DELE and SIELE are the official international examinations. ISS INDIA is official examination centre for both the examination. Student studying at any institution may certify themselves and obtain an international certification that helps in higher education, employment and other purposes citizenship in Spanish speaking countries. The official certification also makes the job of an employer easy while recruiting a Spanish speaking candidate. In Spanish speaking countries universities and institutions ask for certain level of proficiency as a condition to join a course, internship, training.
Take the next step and let us know if you need any assistance in obtaining your official certification in Spanish language.
Need help?
Contact us at exams@instituteofspanishstudies.com for questions related to DELE and SIELE examinations. Your name and contact number are mandatory to be mentioned in order to answer queries. Want to certify your Spanish urgently ? Book an examination slot on www.siele.org and get your official and internationally recognised certificate in less than 3 weeks.
Tags; Dele exam centres in India, Dele exam fee, Dele exam dates, DELE, Instituto Cervantes, Delhi, Dele exam centre in Bangalore,