By Laura Geggel – Associate Editor Researchers have found a “graveyard” of about 60 mammoths ahead of the construction of an airport just outside Mexico City, according to the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in Mexico. In addition to the ice …
BY WENDY BOWMAN MAY 18, 2020 Also called the Mexican hairless dog, the xoloitzcuintli (pronounced “show-low-itz-QUEENT-ly,” and called “xolo” for short) carries a storied history that goes back 3,500 years to the pre-Columbian era — before Italian explorer Christopher Columbus colonized the Americas in the early …
Redacción BBC News Mundo 15 mayo 2020 Es considerado como un club exclusivo que reúne a los países de mayor desarrollo en el mundo. Y este viernes Costa Rica se convirtió en el primer estado de América Central al que …
A new study tracks how the ancient civilization used animals for food, ritual purposes and even as curiosities By Riley BlackSMITHSONIANMAG.COMMAY 13, 2020 The jungle isn’t kind to bones. Acidic soils and warm temperatures often accelerate the rate of decay compared …
By Elizabeth Pennisi May. 7, 2020 , 12:00 PM Some of the world’s more famous and closely examined archaeological sites pepper the hillsides of the Central Andes, documenting an invention of farming and the rise and fall of powerful civilizations such …
The Mayan city in today’s Mexico has mysterious origins. BY KELLY HEARN IT WAS MASSIVE, one of the first great cities of the Western Hemisphere. And its origins are a mystery. It was built by hand more than a thousand years before …
Caroline Goldstein, April 24, 2020 While museums around the globe are closed to the public, we are spotlighting each day an inspiring exhibition that was previously on view. Even if you can’t see it in person, allow us to give you …
The beginning of Escif’s Instagram post reads, “Yesterday the meditator’s body was burned. With it many things were burned. 4 tons of wood were burned. A year of intense and wonderful work was burned.” Attached to a darkened image of glowing flames, his …
Contributed by Elizabeth Rayne@quothravenrayneMar 14, 2020 Imagine finding out you’ve been living on the ruins of what was once a powerful ancient city. That happened. The Mayan kingdom of Sak Tz’i’ was thought to be forever lost somewhere in Mexico—until it surfaced …
Dubbed the “white road” in honor of its limestone paving, the 62-mile path is an engineering marvel on par with Maya pyramids By Theresa MachemerSMITHSONIANMAG.COMMARCH 6, 2020 When Lady K’awiil Ajaw, warrior queen of the Maya city of Cobá, needed to show …